Terminology Table:   all entries          [ Graphical Views ]

AbbreviationTermPathUsed in
 VPL  ventral posterior lateral nucleus of thalamus Die::Th::VPLrodent, carnivore, primate
 VPM  ventral posterior medial nucleus of thalamus Die::Th::VPMrodent, carnivore, primate
 VR  ventral raphe rodent, carnivore, primate
 VSI  inferior vestibular nucleus Me::VS::VSIrodent, carnivore, primate
 VSL  lateral vestibular nucleus Me::VS::VSLrodent, carnivore, primate
 VSM  medial vestibular nucleus Me::VS::VSMrodent, carnivore, primate
 VSp  spinal trigeminal nucleus rodent, carnivore, primate
 VSS  superior vestibular nucleus Me::VS::VSSrodent, carnivore, primate
 VTA  ventral tegmental area MB::VTArodent, carnivore, primate
 XII  hypoglossal nucleus rodent, carnivore, primate
 ZI  zona incerta Die::VTh::ZIrodent, carnivore, primate
 8  cortical area 8 Tel::Cx::8primate
 A  auditory cortical areas Tel::Cx::Arodent, carnivore, primate
 Cl  claustrum Tel::Clrodent, carnivore, primate
 MP  premamillary nucleus Die::Hy::MProdent
 MR  median raphe nucleus rodent, carnivore, primate
 MTS  middle temporal sulcus Tel::Cx::MTSprimate
 PT  pretectum MB::Tec::PTrodent, carnivore, primate
 POA  preoptic area Die::Hy::POArodent, carnivore, primate
 PyT  pyramidal tract Me::PyTrodent, carnivore, primate
 VIN  abducens nerve Pons::VINrodent, carnivore, primate
 VIIN  facial nerve Pons::VIINrodent, carnivore, primate
 VIIIN  auditory nerve rodent, carnivore, primate
 CP  cerebral peduncle rodent, carnivore, primate
 SB  subiculum Tel::Cx::SBrodent, carnivore, primate
 OFS  orbitofrontal sulcus Tel::Cx::OFSprimate
 V  trigeminal nuclear complex rodent, carnivore, primate
 VMb  basal ventral medial nucleus of thalamus Die::Th::VMbrodent, carnivore, primate
 Tel  telencephalon Telrodent, carnivore, primate
 Dien  Diencephalon rodent, carnivore, primate
 BS  brainstem rodent, carnivore, primate
   Cell Groups rodent, carnivore, primate
   Fiber Tracts rodent, carnivore, primate
   Gyri and Sulci rodent, carnivore, primate
   Ventricles rodent, carnivore, primate
 Mes  Mesencephalon rodent, carnivore, primate
 Met  Metencephalon rodent, carnivore, primate
 Myel  Myelencephalon rodent, carnivore, primate
   Mesencephalon rodent, carnivore, primate
   BrainMaps.v0 (primate) rodent, carnivore, primate
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Records 241 to 280 of 435